Living Outside of Ordinary: Week of 10/14

In the past month, how many days can you truly remember? On average, a few days, 4 or 5 if you’re lucky, stand out from the daily routines we all experience. That’s why Visit Champaign County is launching our new “Living Outside of Ordinary” Campaign aimed at residents and visitors as a means to encourage everyone to discover new places throughout the greater Champaign County area.
Each week, we’ll give you one thing to do each day, something Outside of Ordinary, to make sure you have a way to make each day memorable. We’ll be busy brainstorming over the next year to make sure you have ways to break out of the routine and immerse yourself in the amazing things happening right in your backyard. Some will be events, but others may be something as simple as getting outdoors, meeting a friend for a drink, or checking out a new store or restaurant. The goal is simple: when you’re Living Outside of Ordinary, you’re making memories, so we can all cherish each and every day.
It's Homecoming Week for the University of Illinois, as well as another wonderful week for some Outside of Ordinary fall fun!
Monday, October 14
Embrace your inner sweet tooth with a crazy creation at Industrial Donuts!
Tuesday, October 15
Livability ranked Champaign-Urbana as a Top 10 College Town! Share a photo on social media of your favorite spot on campus or around town with the hashtag #OutsideofOrdinary!
Wednesday, October 16
Push through the middle of your week with putt-putt at Western Bowl!
Thursday, October 17
Getting stressed about a Halloween costume? Head to Dallas and Co. for inspiration!
Friday, October 18
Attend the U of I Homecoming Parade and celebrate our Outside of Ordinary community!
Saturday, October 19
Feeling brave? Attend a Tuscola Cemetery Walk!
Sunday, October 20
Loving the autumn chill in the air? Pick up fabric from the IDEA Store and make yourself a blanket to keep you cozy for the season!
For more tips on what to do, check our events calendar and request a copy of our Visitors Guide today!