Support Local During COVID-19: Golf Courses

In the greater Champaign County area, local businesses aren't just businesses. Our neighbors, family, and friends are all working to keep things as normal as possible amidst the COVID-19 precautions as outlined by the Governor of Illinois and the Champaign-Urbana Public Health Department. These challenging times serve as a reminder to residents in the greater Champaign County area just how wonderful our local businesses, restaurants, and community truly is. If there's ever a time to embrace #OutsideofOrdinary, it's now.
Local golf courses
As Illinois begins to reopen certain businesses and industries, local golf courses are sure to be a popular draw with Spring underway. On May 1st, golf courses can reopen to players with some restrictions. They include:
- Walking only (unless players have a disability or a physical limitation that prevents them from finishing a round without a cart)
- Can only play in a twosome
- Tee Times must be made 15 minutes apart
- Tee Times Highly Recommend/No Walk Ons
- No Touching of Flagsticks and the Clubhouse should stay closed
- Practice Greens and Ranges Closed
- Courses should post signs about what players should do
On top of these guidelines, some other normal behaviors should not take place either, such as handshakes at the beginning of the round or at the 18th hole. These rules need to be followed for golf to continue as our community reopens.
The following local courses are set to open May 1st with these guidelines in place:
Brookhill Golf Course, Rantoul
Champaign Country Club, Champaign
Ironhorse Golf Club, Tuscola
Lake of the Woods Golf Course, Mahomet
Legends Golf Course, Champaign
Lincolnshire Fields Country Club, Champaign
University of Illinois Golf Course, Savoy
Urbana Country Club, Urbana
Willow Pond Golf Course, Rantoul
All area courses agree to comply with state regulations, and golfers should also familiarize themselves with the rules before setting a tee time. You can find the full list of state golf regulations here.
As we see a reduction in business to our area, we continue to encourage the support of our local businesses and the hospitality industry. As of Sunday, March 15, it is state-mandated that bars & restaurants close. Please note that carry-out and curbside pick-up options are available. As of May 1, new rules apply via a stay-at-home extension with looser guidelines for curbside operation and outdoor recreation. We are collecting information on these options and posting them here, but also encourage patrons to follow their favorite spots on social media for updates or call for more information.
We will continue to post updates on our Business Updates and Cancellations page as we receive them, but encourage everyone to take guidelines from the Illinois Department of Public Health and the CDC seriously.