How Willard Airport is Addressing Travel Safety

Air travel is going to change forever in response to COVID-19. Locally, the University of Illinois Willard Airport is doing everything it can to keep travelers safe. Not everyone will feel ready to fly now, but when you are, Willard is ensuring a safe experience for all involved. As travel picks pack up in the second half of 2020, regional airports like ours will be a great, safe option for those ready to get out and travel once more.
Willard airport and safe Flying in Champaign-Urbana
In a recent Facebook Post, Willard Airport emphasized that they're following guidelines and taking extra precautions to keep employees and travelers safe. "Passenger safety is our top priority at Willard Airport. We have added social distancing stickers at check-in and through the TSA checkpoint, added multiple hand sanitizing stations, and are regularly disinfecting high-touch surfaces," the post reads. Since May 11, they have required all customers to wear a mask. Their website is also a helpful place to check on all ongoing updates to safety standards.
One of those extra precautions is taking the Champaign County Safe pledge. The pledge is a set of guidelines that local businesses can sign on to support and enforce for the safety and well-being of employees and customers. You can find an entire list of pledged businesses here.
New exciting additions at Willard Airport
Before COVID-19 began to change travel plans, Willard Airport was already working on some new additions and updates to the airport. New charging stations, a new drive, and a new customs building are all things that help to expand the offerings of this growing airport.
Why a regional airport matters in the new normal
With many travelers wary to fly right now, regional airports have been hit hardest from the decrease in passengers. The same reasons that airports like Willard have experienced huge decreases in flyers since March are also reasons why having a regional airport in our community is so important. Without the busy foot traffic of a major airport in bigger cities, travelers will experience much smoother arrival, boarding, and flying experiences at a regional airport. The size of Willard is ideal for those who aren't yet ready to return to major travel hubs across the United States.
For those who still don't feel ready to fly, we understand, and so does Willard. By upholding state and federal guidelines for travel and enforcing strict safety and health precautions, you can rest assured that when it's time to soar the skies again, Willard will be ready for you. With new additions to the passenger experience, a whole new experience awaits you the next time you Fly C-U.
For more information on Willard Airport and other travel options in the greater Champaign County area, take a look at our Getting Here/Around page. Be sure to follow all of the latest updates to Willard's safety and health procedures on their Facebook page as well.