We See You, Champaign County - Celebrating Safe Practices

Masks, sanitizer, social distancing: it's all a part of our daily lives. Dealing with COVID-19 as a community has not been easy, but Champaign County is doing it right. We're supporting local. We're keeping our community safe by masking and socially distancing. You can see it when you go out to pick up food from a restaurant or shop safely at our local shops. Plus, the numbers show it too.
News-Gazette's tracking of IDPH and county reports for COVID-19 consistently place Champaign County's region, Region 6, at the lowest rate of COVID-19 positive cases in the state. That's not on accident. We're working hard as a community to keep businesses open and the local economy active. Thanks to efforts like Champaign County Safe, businesses are working harder than ever to keep employees and customers safe by pledging to be diligent in their sanitization and cleaning efforts.
What keeps champaign county safe?
As we continue into the end of summer, we're grateful for the efforts at the University of Illinois to organize a safe Fall semester for new and returning Illini students. Our community is serious about masking, distancing, and supporting local.
So, what keeps Champaign County safe? You do.
We See You, Champaign County.
Our community is taking COVID-19 seriously and it shows. Let's not let up or grow complacent. Keep masking. Keep distancing. Keep supporting local.
We'll be taking time the next few months to share the different people and businesses helping to keep Champaign County Safe. You can do your part too to make sure that community health heroes get recognized by helping us photograph best practices.
Help promote safe practices in the greater champaign county area
If you see a business or employee keeping Champaign County Safe, ask if you can take a photo of them in action. They'll get recognition for their business on social media via our channels and our community will see how seriously we're all taking this pandemic. Feel free to send us photos on social media via PM, or email taylorb@visitchampaigncounty.org.
We See You, Champaign County.
Thank You for keeping Champaign County Safe.