How Does Tier One Impact Champaign County Restaurants?

As of Monday, January 18, Region 6 of the Restore Illinois Plan is under Tier One Mitigations for controlling COVID-19's impact on communities. Region 6 includes Champaign County, and the new qualification means a few changes come to our local restaurants. For a full breakdown of what changes you'll see immediately go into effect, here's what you need to know.
Is there indoor dining in champaign-urbana?
Under Tier One, restaurants can serve 25 guests or 25% capacity per dining room. The following changes also come with the new tier:
- All bars and restaurants close at 11 pm and may reopen no earlier than 6 am the following day
- Establishments offering indoor service must serve food
- Indoor service reservations limited to 2-hour maximum duration and maximum 4 persons per party (dining only with members of the same household recommended)
- All bar and restaurant patrons should be seated at tables
- No ordering, seating, or congregating at the bar (bar stools should be removed)
- Tables should be 6 feet apart
- No standing or congregating indoors or outdoors while waiting for a table or exiting
- No dancing or standing indoors
- Reservations required for each party
- No seating of multiple parties at one table
- Includes private clubs and country clubs
Who is offering indoor dining in champaign county?
We're updating our Business Updates and Cancelations page as we hear word of every restaurant's new operations under Tier One mitigations. You can find that page here.
Keep in mind that most restaurants do continue to offer curbside options, outdoor dining experiences, and delivery. If you are more comfortable supporting your favorite spot in these ways, then continue to do so. Also, be sure to get ready for Champaign County Area Restaurant Week | Takeout Edition! This spin on our normal Restaurant Week event is all about takeout and features many newcomers to the celebration of local food as well as long-time favorites.
What Comes Next After Tier One mitigations in the restore Illinois plan?
You can find a full rundown of the Tier One mitigations here, but what comes next? The next progression in the Restore Illinois plan is a return to Phase Four. In order to return to Phase Four, a region must meet these metrics: