Living Outside of Ordinary: Week of 6/24

In the past month, how many days can you truly remember? On average, a few days, 4 or 5 if you’re lucky, stand out from the daily routines we all experience. That’s why Visit Champaign County is launching our new “Living Outside of Ordinary” Campaign aimed at residents and visitors as a means to encourage everyone to discover new places throughout the greater Champaign County area.
Each week, we’ll give you one thing to do each day, something Outside of Ordinary, to make sure you have a way to make each day memorable. We’ll be busy brainstorming over the next year to make sure you have ways to break out of the routine and immerse yourself in the amazing things happening right in your backyard. Some will be events, but others may be something as simple as getting outdoors, meeting a friend for a drink, or checking out a new store or restaurant. The goal is simple: when you’re Living Outside of Ordinary, you’re making memories, so we can all cherish each and every day.
Summer is in full swing, and it’s time to get out into every inch of our #OutsideofOrdinary community! Highlights this week include Riggs Fest, Street Food and Sake, and the Arthur Freedom Celebration.
Monday, June 24 – Grab lunch at the Bevier Café, a student run operation on the U of I campus!
Tuesday, June 25 – Grab an afternoon tea at Walnut Tea Company!
Wednesday, June 26 – Grab fresh produce, homemade treats, and handmade items at the Homer Farmers Market!
Thursday, June 27 – Check out opening night of the four-day Riggs Fest!
Friday – June 28 – Grab some Street Food and Sake at this highly anticipated event at Japan House!
Saturday, June 29 – Get the 4th of July celebrations started early with the Freedom Celebration in Arthur; downstate Illinois’ Largest Fireworks Show!
Sunday, June 30 – Take a walk in the historic Busey Woods with a few friends!
For more tips on what to do, check our events calendar and request a copy of our Visitors Guide today!