Living Outside of Ordinary: National Tourism and Travel Challenge

NTTW Social Media Challenge Edition
To celebrate National Tourism and Travel Week, we’re mixing things up this week with a social media challenge! Each day, participate by sharing a photo or story online, being sure to tag us and the hashtag #nttw19. Between hometown pride and keeping the entire country connected, this year’s theme hits the nail on the head: Travel Matters! Each day is themed around a reason why Travel Matters, so follow along with us all week for a chance to win an #OutsideofOrdinary t-shirt!
Monday, May 6 – Travel Matters to New Experiences: go somewhere you’ve seen on social media, but never been to in person, and take a picture or selfie!
Tuesday, May 7 – Travel Matters to Our Jobs: shout-out your favorite local business and why you love going there!
Wednesday, May 8 – Travel Matters to Keeping America Connected: tag someone out of state (or country) in a photo of a travel-worthy attraction in the greater Champaign County area!
Thursday, May 9 – Travel Matters to Health: vacations are more than a luxury, they’re necessary! Tag us in a photo of somewhere you’d like to travel!
Friday – May 10 – Travel Matters to Hometown Pride: what place in our community feels like home to you? Share a photo of your home away from home in the greater Champaign County area!
Saturday, May 11 – Travel Matters to Families: family can be a traditional group, you and a four-legged companion, or a small circle of friends you could not live without! Share a story and photo of a trip, big or small, that has shaped your family!
Sunday, May 12 – Travel Matters to You: To end off the week, share your thoughts on the role travel plays in your life, and be sure to tag us so we can hear why you think Travel Matters!
For more tips on what to do, check our events calendar and request a copy of our Visitors Guide today!