Support Local During the Coronavirus: Champaign Park District

In the greater Champaign County area, local businesses aren't just businesses. Our neighbors, family, and friends are all working to keep things as normal as possible amidst the COVID-19 precautions as outlined by the Governor of Illinois and the Champaign-Urbana Public Health Department. These challenging times serve as a reminder to residents in the greater Champaign County area just how wonderful our local businesses, restaurants, and community truly is. If there's ever a time to embrace #OutsideofOrdinary, it's now.
CHAMPAIGN Park district
There's nothing like Spring weather. Sure, we still have chilly mornings and cooler evenings, but now is the perfect time to get back outdoors for a walk, jog, or run. With everything happening right now with the Coronavirus, physical activity is very important. So are the little things, like keeping in touch with friends digitally, participating in fun at-home activities, and using the extra downtime to enjoy hobbies or practice new skills.
It's a little overwhelming deciding what to do next as you comply with proper stay-at-home practices. Luckily, the Champaign Park District has a fun message for us all: "We Challenge You!"
Every day, the Champaign Park District is posting a new challenge for you to try while social distancing and waiting out the stay-at-home order. It's crucial we all do our part to social distance, and the Champaign Park District is making sure every day has a new twist or fun activity to keep us busy!
On top of their "We Challenge You" prompts, you can still get out and use CPD trails to stretch your body and mind for little breaks from staying inside. There are restrictions on certain aspects of Champaign Park District property, so be sure to review the rules below.
Here's a friendly reminder of how residents can continue to enjoy CPD property during COVID-19 restrictions:
- Champaign Park District playgrounds are closed to the public
- District parks remain open for walking, hiking, running and biking as long as park users comply with social distancing requirements
- All facilities closed until further notice
Follow Champaign Park District on Instagram to keep up with their "We Challenge You" prompts!
As we see a reduction in business to our area, we continue to encourage the support of our local businesses and the hospitality industry. As of Sunday, March 15, it is state-mandated that bars & restaurants close through March 30. Please note that carry-out and curbside pick-up options are available. We are collecting information on these options and posting them here, but also encourage patrons to follow their favorite spots on social media for updates or call for more information.
We will continue to post updates on our Business Updates and Cancellations page as we receive them, but encourage everyone to take guidelines from the Illinois Department of Public Health and the CDC seriously.